Research of Karst Problem in Geotechnical Investigation of Large Electric Power Engineering in Karst Region 可溶岩地区大型电力工程岩溶问题研究有土力问题的建屋地盘
Explore on the Specialized Basic Course Teaching of Thermal Energy and Power Engineering in Independent College 独立学院热能与动力工程专业基础课教学探索
Control system for hest power engineering in thermal power plant 火电厂热工控制系统
Accelerate Reformation of Education in Power Engineering with a View to knowledge Economy 适应知识经济加快动力工程教育改革
In this paper, the significance of developing the nuclear power engineering and operation evaluation indicators was summarized, the current status and achievements in this field were introduced. 总结了核电工程及运行评价指标开发的意义,介绍了国内相关工作情况现状和成果。
The Research on Development Strategies of Hunan Hydraulic& Power Engineering Company 湖南省水利水电工程总公司发展战略研究
Study on Staff Incentive System in the Power Engineering Project Management 电力工程项目管理中人员激励机制研究
Cost forecast model for power engineering based on feature extraction and small-sample learning 特征提取和小样本学习的电力工程造价预测模型
State Key Laboratory of Multiphase Flow in Power Engineering 动力工程多相流国家重点实验室
With the rapid development of the electric power cause of our country, the electric power engineering cost management which is closely related to electric cause is more and more important. 随同灭人邦电力事业的飞快收铺,取电力事业亲密相闭的电力建设工程管理工做也越来越现示出从要做用。
Mechanical and Power Engineering College of Shanghai Jiaotong University; 上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院;
Reasonable Confirmation and Control of Electric Power Engineering Cost 浅谈电力工程造价的合理确定与控制
Establishment of work safety standard items in bidding documents for construction project of hydroelectric power engineering 水电工程建设项目招标文件安全生产标准条款的构建
Availability Evaluation of Electric Power Engineering Construction Site in the Condition of Mountainous Valley Complex Site in Western Sichuan 四川西部山区河谷复杂场地条件下电力工程建设场地的可利用性评价
The leading developing institution was the Moscow Krzhyzhanovski Power Engineering Institute ( ENIN). 在此领域领先的开发机构为莫斯科国立动力学院(ENIN)。
The current situation and existing problems of power engineering construction ration in the market-oriented economy are introduced, and the development of power engineering construction radon in the future when the engineering workload list method is implemented by the power industry is analyzed. 摘要针对在当今市场经济条件下电力工程建设定额的现状、存在的问题,分析电力工程建设定额在今后电力行业推行工程量清单的情况下的发展趋势。
Under the construction, the equipments are aging, which impact the progress of the electric power engineering and the quality of electric power service, and there is even potential safety hazard. 施工中设备老化,影响电力工程的进度和电力服务的质量,甚至存在安全隐患。
In Addition, I once field-worked as a technician for half a year in Hubei Hydroelectric Power Engineering Corporation. 此外.我在湖北水力发电工程公司实习半年作为技术员。
College of Mechanical and Power Engineering 机械与动力工程学院
Our company provide services in power engineering for owner party, EPC party, design party and equipment supply on basis of strong technical strength. 我公司凭借强大的技术力量,在电力工程方面可以为业主方、总承包方、设计方以及设备供应方提供多方面的服务。
Study on Bearing Mechanism of Squeeze and Expansion Cast-in-Place Pile and Its Application in Power Engineering Projects 挤扩灌注桩承载机理及其在电力工程中的应用研究
The reliability of DC power source for power engineering has important role for guaranteeing the trouble removal and the normal operation of power system. 电力工程直流电源的可靠性对保证电力系统的正常运行和事故处理具有重要作用。
The Process Control of File Management of Power Engineering of the General Contract Unit 总承包单位电力工程档案管理的过程控制
Application of the Cost Analysis System in Power Engineering Project Construction 造价分析体系在电力工程建设中的应用
Reason for Tailings Reservoir Dam-break and the Power Engineering Safety Analysis 尾矿库溃坝原因及对电力工程安全的影响分析
Application of Full Life Cycle Cost Management Theory in Power Engineering Cost Management 全生命周期造价管理理论在电力工程造价管理中的应用探讨
Safety and hygiene specifications for the power engineering of chemical industry 化工粉体工程设计安全卫生规定
Planning Approval and Post-certificated Construction Monitoring with Non-excavation Technology for Power Engineering 电力工程采用非开挖技术的规划审批与证后施工监测
Discussion on the Applications of 3D Plant Design System in the Electric Power Engineering Design 电力工程设计中应用三维工厂设计系统的探讨